As we all know the last six months have very difficult, for people here in the UK and across the world. Covid19 has affected so many people in so many ways. We have all done our best in some way to help others, when we are able to. Over the last 10 years I have been lucky enough to have visited various countries on fundraising treks, including Kenya and Tanzania. These fundraising challenges are only possible in part because of the dedication of the men and women from the local trekking crews. They are incredible people, and for many trekkers they are the difference of success or failure. They carry our supplies, our tents, our bags and at times they even carry us. They spend months away from their homes and families, earning money to send back to support them. The pandemic in 2020 though has seen their income supply completely wiped out. 360-expeditions (the UK trekking company I use) have found a way to help and from as little as a pound you can really make a difference. The fund they have helped to set up will make it possible to put together packs of food and essentials, that can be distributed to the local crew and their families, now and over the coming months. For more information you can contact
Or if you would like to make a donation Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: African Education Account
Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account Number: 79614060
I realise that lots of you may never meet these amazing people, but please take it from me and the many others that they have helped, they are truly incredible. They help us to reach the summits of their mountains, and in doing do we raise thousands of pounds for our charities. This is our chance to help them, and if you do ever get the chance to climb Kilimanjaro or Mount Kenya i guarantee they will do their very best to help you to succeed.
Stay safe, and thank you for taking the time to read my blog.